Meet the team: Asier Juanbeltz

We would like to introduce you to Asier our Regional Sales Manager in Spain and Portugal. Having been in the solar industry for many years his knowledge of the industry is allowing him to introduce Tribe to a variety of different partners across the regions.

Why did you join Lightsource Labs?

After years of being involved in Utility scale solar projects I could see that the real energy transition would be advanced by individuals, and not by the big companies. So being part of Lightsource Labs’ gives me the chance to become a game changer in Spain, which I love!

 What do you do at Lightsource Labs?

In 2019, I launched Lightsource Labs in Spain, and since then I have been involved in a number of projects in both Spain and Portugal, reaching agreements with different players such as installers, utilities and distributors.

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What are you working on right now?

I’m showing all the potential that Tribe can have in new revenue business models linked with the implementation of Virtual Power Plants (VPPs).

 What is the best part of your job?

Launching something new at an early stage in the Spanish and Portuguese markets.

What's the most challenging part of your job?

Ensuring that players in the market are aware that Tribe is not for the future, it is for the present!

 Tell us something we don’t know about you?

I played football for many years becoming semi-professional. I was former player for Real Sociedad.

 What do you like to do in your spare time?

I enjoy spending time with my family and getting to know new places.

Any final thoughts or messages for those either in the industry or those thinking of joining the industry?

This industry will become the engine of the growth in all the countries, specially in Iberian countries which have extensive solar resources. So, come with us - join and participate in the energy transition!!!!!


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Jonathan’s home of the future