Jonathan’s home of the future

Jonathan, a physics teacher from Derby, is one of Tribe’s newest customers and we chatted to him about how he’s finding his system.

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Jonathan originally had solar and battery installed in his home in 2019 and his main motivation was to reduce his family’s environmental impact. He’s also found the energy bills have decreased considerably, and his new Tribe install will help him to further maximise self-consumption and energy savings.

Jonathan recently had Tribe fitted to his existing SolaX battery and inverter system by Smart Homes Electrical, an installation company specialising in the whole smart home ecosystem. Smart Homes Electrical connected Tribe to Jonathan’s main loads in the home, including the hot tub, oven and to appliances through TP Link Wi-Fi smart plugs.

Jonathan said “I find the ‘Go Tribe’ app really easy to use and I particularly like the monitoring capabilities. My current energy provider is Octopus and I’m on their ‘Agile’ tariff which has dynamic import and export pricing. I’m looking forward to being able to use Tribe to automatically optimise energy flows within my home according to the tariff prices that change every half an hour.

My next low-carbon purchase will be an electric vehicle and I’m looking forward to controlling and optimising charging all from one place in the Tribe app. I’m also encouraged by the opportunities that EVs will bring to our energy landscape – the prospect of vehicle-to-grid charging is really exciting"

Jonathan’s Tribe install took 1-2 hours in total. We chatted to Tom from Smart Homes Electrical about how he’s finding Tribe.

“Tribe aligns well with our existing product offering and we’re seeing that more customers are wanting to optimise their home’s energy use against tariff prices. The installation process itself is simple and smooth, and the ‘Go Tribe for Installers’ app is really easy to use. I’ll be recommending Tribe to more customers moving forward” 


Meet the team: Asier Juanbeltz


Lightsource Labs and Wallbox Chargers team up to further optimise home renewable energy consumption