Meet the team: Phil Krok

The team at Lightsource Labs is split across 5 locations, the UK, Spain, Australia, Ireland and Greece. Phil Krok is part of our team in Australia, leading business development in the Asia-Pacific region. Phil is passionate about the renewables industry and enjoys being part of a force for good.

 Why did you join Lightsource Labs?

A friend of mine introduced me to the company and the product, I really liked the Tribe idea and saw huge potential in it for the Australian market. Met with the team, really like the vibe. Then begged Ben to hire me.

 What do you do at Lightsource Labs?

 Talking, networking, smiling.

 What are you working on right now?

 The first major sale of Tribe in Australia and the roll out to 120 homes in New South Wales to be run by our client as Australia’s first residential solar PPA.

 What is the best part of your job?

The team I work with in the industry we work in. Hard to feel better about a job when you work with good people trying to save the human race from themselves.

 What's the most challenging part of your job?

I am passionate about the benefits renewable can bring, and I feel an important part of my job is educating people around the benefits of having renewable technologies. Reducing our CO2 emissions will take a huge effort from government, industry and the general public but I feel if we fail to act the consequences are terrifying. I want to get everyone on board the journey.

 Tell us something we don’t know about you?

In 2009 I was ranked the 93rd fastest 100m runner in the world.

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What do you like to do in your spare time?

I build hot rods at a little garage I bought with my best friend. We like to bite off more then we can chew and learn new skills with our hands, how to build, weld and create new cars from old junk.

Any final thoughts or messages for those either in the industry or those thinking of joining the industry?

Don’t think, do it. It would be like starting to work in computers in the early 80’s. Renewables are the future and you can be a part of that and be a force for good. So stand up and be counted.


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